Launch of the 2019 Summer Arts Festival

People associated with the state at the opening of the 2019 Summer Arts Festival
Herring Island has worked hard to launch the 2019 Summer Arts Festival. Parks have tried to improve Victorian roads. In this context, visitors to the Gallery were welcomed by 49 exhibitors, members of the Victorian Sculpture Association.

The festival began with the opening of the first exhibition by Robert Lee, coordinator of the festival and president of the Victorian Art Association and president of the Victorian Architects Association.

Images from the Herring Island Gallery

Images from the Herring Island Gallery
State photos can be found on the ASV website ፡ highlight

During the "Meander" exhibition they show the technique of sculpture in the gallery courtyard. On Monday, January 28th, not only the sculptors participating in the 2019 Film Festival, but also artists from other groups will perform. The exhibition will run until February 3.
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