Holiday Houses (2nd-8th)

Do you know how to save Christmas decorations before Halloween? All you have to do is think, "Why ?! Why did you delete these things first?"
I'll tell you why ...... I. In mid-October, I was shopping for Christmas decorations. I do not understand. I love this time of year!

This Hollywood Home Lesson was developed a few years ago by combining a value-added lighting project with my decorating project. I waited until November 1st for my protection to turn off my home lights! ⁇

This course is designed in two different ways: for younger students (fourth grade) and for older students (5th grade).

Simplified version (2 - 4) Students will learn what architects do and then look at features that are important to the house (after comparing different houses: houses, apartments, igloos, houseboats, etc.). Then have the students create their own drawings (or if you have some time - you can use one of the 6 house templates included) and then decorate them with chalk and greasy paste!

Advanced Version (5-8) The top version of this lesson focuses on two perspectives. First-year students learn to draw shapes in two positions (upper, upper, and lower horizons) in a two-dimensional view. You will also learn how the missing dotted design distorts and distorts the shape. Then you will learn to draw a house from both sides.

When the two sets of houses are finished painting, they can be painted or moved to black building paper (white chalk is great for this). Then the decorations begin!

Personally, I prefer to start by adding ice to the white lime paste (if it is added after another color, there is a high risk of contamination). Then grease the base of the house with lime paste (leaving room for something else later - shrubs, plants, etc.).

To turn on a light at home, have students draw a small circle with a pencil to turn on the light, and then move the circle over the chalk to point a finger. If the bulb is very integrated, you can always add more.

In this project, when most of the paint was covered with chalk paste ... there were some areas where oil-plastic could be used more efficiently (in any case, more contrasting lines or clearer lines).
My favorite part of this lesson was how to combine useful conceptual art with winter fun. No need to choose one or the other!

If you want to do the whole course,go to the store!

Course packages ...
  • This holiday has 2 different perspectives on homework
  • 4 PowerPoint presentations (2 step by step 2 animation PPT, chalk and oil wallpaper step by step guide and study architecture and home design 1)
  • Teacher's example
  • 6 model houses on the list
  • Articles to promote home design
  • Two-point viewing guide (easy and perfect)
  • Dot Point Mini Books (Easy and Perfect)
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